© 1999-2016 Corbould family

Charles John Corbould b. 22 April 1919 - World War II, Crete 1941-43

CJC's false Cretan ID papers were dated 1940 but created in 1941. The translation below was provided by Nicolas Theofanakis to John Dillon (creator of an extensive website on the Battle of Crete)

Identity card for Ioanis Petrakis 

On the left of the form are his fingerprints. 

The translation of the section in the middle is:

Father's name   Emmanuel
Mother's name  Maria
Place of birth    Chania
Date of birth     16/4/1919
Residence        Cotsiana
Occupation       Shepherd

The owner of the identity card must carry it with him always and show it on demand.  Issued according to order from 15th of March by the Commandant of Fortress Crete.

It is dated 20 September 1940#. 

Underneath are (or should be) the signatures of the holder, the Police and the Mayor.










Read CJC's incomplete narrative of an unsuccessful escape by boat from Crete in May 1941. His hand-written narrative was found in his personal papers after his death in 1990.

There are numerous mentions of Sergeant John Corbould in the book^ My Escape from Crete by New Zealander Jim McDevitt.

On Bill Rudd's website about Australian PoWs during WWII, the AIF involvement on Crete is covered here.

The gazettal of CJC's Mentioned in Despatches is here.

# Paradox: Dated 1940, which is before the German invasion of Crete in 1941, but since the "Commandant of Fortress Crete" is a German official, then the ID should have been dated not earlier than 1941, which is when the German army decreed that all Cretans over the age of 17 had to carry ID papers.

^ My Escape from Crete
Copyright April 2002 - James T McDevitt
ISBN 0-473-08310-8 (excerpts published with written permission)

Individuals page

CJC MID 1944

POWS and German soldiers mid_1941
Crete wartime photo mid-1941

Message from German Commander - Crete 1942
Message from German Commander - Crete 1942